100% Employee Owned, Founded 1954




In an industrial facility, interacting with hazardous substances is a part of standard operations. While this does pose a risk to operators, personnel, and operations, with reliable equipment and the right solutions, the threat of explosive gas leaks or overexposure events can be drastically reduced.

Dräger manufactures medical and safety technology products. They protect, support, and save people’s lives around the world in hospitals, with fire departments, emergency services, authorities, and in mining as well as other industries.

The name Dräger is synonymous with safety. For over 125 years, this family-owned company has been deeply involved in the development and manufacture of products for hazardous gas detection and personal protective equipment to provide optimum safety for industrial personnel, emergency responders and enforcement officials.

Dräger manufactures a full line of single-gas and multi-gas detectors that are configurable to meet industry’s needs. These detectors are ergonomic, chemical and water-resistant, and shock-proof with long lasting, robust sensors designed and built by Dräger. Without question, Dräger is – Technology for Life.

Platinum Channel Partner

Cross Company is a PLATINUM Draeger Channel Partner throughout our territories in the U.S.

Platinum Drager Channel Partner

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Available In The Following Areas

With an extensive background in a variety of industries, Cross has relationships with a number of leading brands, including exclusive distributorships in some areas. We are proud to offer Dräger in the following areas:


Latest Resources, News and Events

Dräger 1
Ultrasonic flow meters provide a number of advantages, from ease of installation and limited downtime to lack of intrusion into your pipes.
June 4, 2024
Dräger 2
Cross provider Dräger has been working with hydrogen and many other gasses for years and has developed a product portfolio to help detect dangerous situations before they become critical.
May 15, 2024
Dräger 3
Dräger Electrochemical (EC) sensors outperform other sensors in terms of longevity and accuracy.
January 8, 2024
Dräger 4
This infographic from Dräger emphasizes the importance of water treatment in managing the planet’s limited freshwater resources and ensuring the safety of this high-risk industry.
November 8, 2023
Dräger 5
This Application Note from Dräger focuses on the challenges and solutions for detecting chlorine gas effectively and safely, particularly in the water treatment industry.
November 8, 2023


More information From Dräger


Interested in learning more? Contact a Cross team member today to discuss your application and see how we can help your operation!

See How A Solution From Dräger Can Benefit Your Operation

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We’re looking through thousands of pages to find the most relevant information.

In the meantime, enjoy these fun facts…

Did you know… Cross Company is an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). Our ESOP started in 1979 and as of 2006, we are 100% employee-owned! Learn more about our ESOP and how that benefits both team members and our customers.
Did you know... the precision measurement group at Cross was founded in 1939 by our current CEO's grandfather, Jim King. That's a whole lot of calibration!
Did you know... A fingerprint weighs about 50 micrograms. We know, we weighed it! The residue left from a finger can actually make a difference in weight results which is why we wear gloves when we calibrate weights. For reference, a sheet of paper is about 4.5 grams, that’s 4.5 million micrograms.
Did you know… Cross Company has grown significantly since our start in 1954. Over the years we've acquired 26 companies! Today, our five groups have expertise in everything from industrial automation to precision measurement, and industry knowledge going all the way back to 1939.