100% Employee Owned, Founded 1954

Process Solutions Resources

Articles and Whitepapers

Selecting the right pressure sensor is essential for ensuring the optimal performance and reliability of your specific application....
Ultrasonic flow meters provide a number of advantages, from ease of installation and limited downtime to lack of intrusion into your pipes....
Ultrasonic flow meters provide a number of advantages, from ease of installation and limited downtime to lack of intrusion into your pipes....
Ultrasonic flow meters provide a number of advantages, from ease of installation and limited downtime to lack of intrusion into your pipes....
In water treatment plants (WTP) ammoniators are critical in the chlorination disinfection process. The addition of ammonia is a common municipal water treatment method that ensures public water supplies are...

Technical Bulletins and Guides

Expert tips for temperature control with ramping and PID tuning. Achieve rapid heat-up, minimize overshoot, and maintain steady-state control....

Rockwell’s Allen Bradley ControlLogix line supports enhanced redundancy with processors, communications, and power supplies to achieve high availability of your control system. Here are some of our recommendations, plus some...

A PID loop adjusts its OP to maintain its PV at its SP. Some PID loops cannot be satisfactorily tuned by adjusting the three primary constants. When combined with good...

The art of tuning a PID loop is to have it adjust its output (OP) to move the process variable (PV) as quickly as possible to the set point (responsive),...

Hazardous Area Classification Guide The National Electrical Code (NEC) defines hazardous locations as those areas “where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to flammable gases or vapors, flammable liquids,...

Guide to Selecting an Oval Gear Meter Once you’ve decided that an Oval Gear Meter is the best flow meter for your specific application, there are a few key things...

Case Studies and Application Notes

Cross Helps Kemira Convert Reactors to New Product Line...
Cross Company Helps Automotive Paint & Coatings Manufacturer With Process Equipment For New Plant...
Cross Company implements a FLEXIM Solar Powered Ultrasonic Flow Meter for HDPE Pipes....
Cross Company implements PCS 7 Combustion Controls of new boiler to meet modernization and production demands at Paper Mill...
Cross Helps Tactical Fabrication Upfit Facility for Smisson-Mathis Biodiesel Production...

Cross Helps HRSD Measure Flow Ultrasonically in Concrete Pipe Application Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) is responsible for wastewater treatment in Southeast Virginia. They have nine large treatment plants and...


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In the meantime, enjoy these fun facts…

Did you know… Cross Company is an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). Our ESOP started in 1979 and as of 2006, we are 100% employee-owned! Learn more about our ESOP and how that benefits both team members and our customers.
Did you know... the precision measurement group at Cross was founded in 1939 by our current CEO's grandfather, Jim King. That's a whole lot of calibration!
Did you know... A fingerprint weighs about 50 micrograms. We know, we weighed it! The residue left from a finger can actually make a difference in weight results which is why we wear gloves when we calibrate weights. For reference, a sheet of paper is about 4.5 grams, that’s 4.5 million micrograms.
Did you know… Cross Company has grown significantly since our start in 1954. Over the years we've acquired 26 companies! Today, our five groups have expertise in everything from industrial automation to precision measurement, and industry knowledge going all the way back to 1939.