M4 Knick
M4 Knick help customers find a simpler solution. Many end-users spend far too much time and money on critical measurements. This leads to many feeling stuck with problematic or sub-optimal equipment. With M4 Knick, customers can cut calibration times by up to 80%, easily see sensor health data for troubleshooting, eliminate measurement drift/interference, and significantly increase times between sensor replacements. For many process operations, this can provide the advantage they need to set themselves apart from the competition while maintaining impressive uptime.
M4 Knick is able to deliver smart liquid analysis technology for a wide range of manufacturers and municipalities. Their sensor, transmitter, and holder offering work together to form an advanced measurement loop. This creates reliable, repeatable measurement processes and allows M4 Knick to deliver the convenience and confidence you need to keep production moving. That’s why when customers see M4 Knick equipment in action, so many make the switch.
With decades of experience in the process control market, M4 Knick offers a wide range of analytical sensors and holder technologies to customers in North America. This experience, paired with focus on quality and safety make M4 Knick a perfect partner for Cross.
Product Offering
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Available In The Following Areas
With an extensive background in a variety of industries, Cross has relationships with a number of leading brands, including exclusive distributorships in some areas. We are proud to offer M4 Knick in the following areas*:
*Limited availability in some counties. Contact Cross Company Process Solutions for complete territory.
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