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Tank Blanketing

Cross Company Tank Blanketing

Tank Blanketing, also referred to as “tank padding” or “nitrogen blanketing,” is an important safety measure used by many process manufacturers. It involves applying a gas to the empty space within a storage container. By removing oxygen and water in the vapor space of a tank, tank blanketing can protect sensitive process states from oxidation, water absorption, contamination, or evaporation. Further, removing oxygen is also able to significantly reduce corrosion associated with oxidation. This helps maintain tank integrity.

Tank blanketing typically involves utilizing a buffer gas to protect products inside a storage container during a manufacturing process. For instance, food & beverage containers, pharmaceutical tanks, or chemical manufacturing storage all may require precise conditions to maintain process integrity. This leads to a longer life for the product in the container, reduced industrial hazards in general, and longer equipment life cycles.

If this sounds like something that would benefit your operation, we’d love to hear from you. Our team of process engineers, application specialists, and other support can provide you with the safety equipment you need.

The Importance of Tank Blanketing

In industries like chemical manufacturing, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and food processing, properly functioning storage tanks are a necessity. These tanks may contain volatile, flammable, or hazardous materials, so it’s critical that they function as intended. If these substances react with oxygen in the air, it can even be a fire or explosion risk.

At Cross, we work with you to avoid these risks to your process facility and to your productivity. We understand that every industrial facility has unique requirements and challenges. So our team of experts will collaborate closely with your operation to provide tank blanketing systems that align with your specific applications, storage conditions, and safety standards.

We can offer the Bio Gas Control valves, assemblies, and burners that are typically part of multiple digester gas systems, anaerobic digesting systems, or other wastewater treatment processes.

Bio-Gas Handling Systems →

We can provide blanket gas regulators to control a gas environment by maintaining the inert atmosphere to reduce tank emissions and prevent contamination from outside oxygen and moisture.

Blanket Gas Regulators →

Benefits of Cross Tank Blanketing

There are many benefits that come with effective tank blanketing for process manufacturing. Some of those benefits include enhanced safety, greater efficiency, and increased savings.

Enhanced Safety

By maintaining an inert atmosphere in process storage tanks, tank blanketing is able to reduce the risk of fires, explosions, or other process disruptions. This protects both your employees and your assets

Greater Efficiency

Tank blanketing preserves product quality by preventing oxidation, contamination, and moisture ingress. In turn, this extends the shelf life of stored materials, which minimizes waste and improves efficiency

Increased Savings

Efficient tank blanketing prevents unnecessary loss of product from spoilage and degradation, saving you money. Also, by ensuring safe storage, you can avoid the liability associated with accidents

Offering Solutions From Leading Brands

Why Cross Tank Blanketing?

In the world of process facilities and process control applications, safety is a critical consideration. Operations of this nature come with inherent risks and ensuring the well-being of personnel, protection of assets, and ensuring compliance with standards are of utmost importance.

Cross Company Process Solutions is a reliable partner for many operations seeking comprehensive and effective industrial safety solutions. Through strategic partnerships with industry-leading manufacturers, Cross Company provides access to cutting-edge safety technologies that align with the evolving demands of modern industrial operations.

Our combination of industry-leading safety products, exceptional customer service, and technical expertise positions Cross Company as a trusted partner of industrial safety. By working with Cross, you can work to prioritize safety, promote compliance, and provide tangible value to your operation.

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Related Pressure Management Equipment

At Cross, we offer much more than just tank blanketing. We can also provide the solutions our process manufacturing partners need to succeed. Check out our other process solutions equipment and see for yourself.

See How Our Process Solutions Team Can Help Improve Quality, Increase Efficiency, And Reduce Risk.

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Did you know… Cross Company is an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). Our ESOP started in 1979 and as of 2006, we are 100% employee-owned! Learn more about our ESOP and how that benefits both team members and our customers.
Did you know... the precision measurement group at Cross was founded in 1939 by our current CEO's grandfather, Jim King. That's a whole lot of calibration!
Did you know... A fingerprint weighs about 50 micrograms. We know, we weighed it! The residue left from a finger can actually make a difference in weight results which is why we wear gloves when we calibrate weights. For reference, a sheet of paper is about 4.5 grams, that’s 4.5 million micrograms.
Did you know… Cross Company has grown significantly since our start in 1954. Over the years we've acquired 26 companies! Today, our five groups have expertise in everything from industrial automation to precision measurement, and industry knowledge going all the way back to 1939.