How To Choose Your First Cobot Project
Do you have a repetitive process that is dull, dirty, or dangerous? It may be time to automate with a collaborative robot! Mike Holland, our innovation team manager, sits down to talk about collaborative robots and how they are an ideal solution for automating your process. For example, if you are short staffed or have trouble filling roles where employees move things from point A to point B, a collaborative robot can offer the help you need. In addition, collaborative robots can perform simple tasks your current team performs to help utilize human resources more effectively. “There are so many things that a human can do that are much more valuable than than just transport.” Mike goes on to talk about the collaborative space opening up so many opportunities for using collaborative robotics because it allows humans and robots to work side by side, safely.
If you’re interested in automating your manual process, freeing up personnel from repetitive tasks, or just increasing overall productivity, contact one of our automation experts to determine the best solution for your operation. We can help calculate ROI to help you see how long it might take for a solution to pay for itself, and even become a revenue generator that adds value yo your process year after year.