100% Employee Owned, Founded 1954

Electric Generators for Mobile Machines

Engine-Mounted Generators

Vehicle mounted generators are rapidly becoming the standard in the mobile work vehicle industry as more manufacturers and OEMs move towards a hybrid vehicle model. Engine mounted generators are durable, compact, and simple generators that are directly coupled to the flywheel of the engine. So when the engine spins, the generator is turned as well. That means you’re generating power for battery packs while running the main combustion engine.

These mounted generators for hybrid machines are invaluable for equipment that may not have ready access to shore power. They prevent batteries from running out and machines from getting stuck (or stranded miles away from the nearest power source). They are a critical tool in the hybrid mobile vehicle OEM’s arsenal.

Knowing that you’ll have continuous access to the power you need to get the job done is necessary for successful job completion. Don’t let your work machine get stuck because the batteries weren’t charged. At Cross Mobile Systems Integration group, we can outfit an onboard generator that can be directly mounted to your diesel engine. So you’ll always have the power you need.

Perfecting Your Hybrid Vehicle Design

Original equipment manufacturers, fleet owners, and many others in the mobile work vehicle space are moving away from a traditional diesel-powered internal combustion engine only model. Between government mandates, emission regulation, and an increasingly electrified industrial environment, making these changes to your vehicles or fleets is becoming more necessary by the day.

At Cross Mobile Systems Integration, we’ve worked with countless mobile work vehicle manufacturers over the years. We’ve helped create mobile machinery that is more competitive, cost-effective, and sustainable. And we can do it for your fleet or work vehicle, too.

If you’re thinking about integrating a mounted generator into your gas-powered work vehicle, we can help. We take the time to learn both how your vehicle operates and how your end users will operate it. From there, we devise the optimal generator solution for your vehicle or fleet. Talk to one of our experts today to begin the process.

full hydraulic mobile system interior

Backup Power for Work Vehicles

Electric generators are used in hybrid mobile equipment to provide power that is used to either directly drive electric components or charge batteries. It is referred to as a hybrid because an internal combustion engine is used to turn the generator. The following article discusses some of the benefits of this type of hybrid design. Avoid Tier 4 Requirements By Using a Hybrid Drive.

Here at the Cross mobile systems integration group, we have partnered with manufacturers Zapi, Innotec Power, and Dana whose flywheel mounted generators offer compact designs, are easily mounted, provide large amounts of power in a small profile, utilize PMAC technology, and are incredibly efficient (92%+). Take a look at our Case Study with Mauldin Paving Products to see the benefits of utilizing this type of engine mounted generator

If you would like to discuss your overall electrification project goals, consider working with the Cross Mobile Systems Integration Group. Our team of engineers can provide a complete system design to ensure that you have the right components, working together, to improve your machine performance and productivity.

Directly drive components

Generators for mobile work vehicles can be used for more than just battery charging. They can also drive components and lessen engine strain.

Charge Batteries

With an engine-mounted generator for your hybrid work machine, batteries can be charged while the machine is running, reducing anxiety about charging.

Compact Designs

Space is always at a premium when it comes to mobile machinery. That’s why our generators are designed to be as compact and efficient as possible.

Getting You Where You Need To Go

An issue many manufacturers and machine users are concerned about is battery lifespan. Namely, “can my machine get where it needs to go?” That’s not a concern we take lightly. When you’re working with mobile work vehicles, the most important parts of the job are that the machine is there and can operate as expected. If either of those two factors is not the case, the job can’t get done.

At Cross, we work with engine-mounted generators. Meaning that the generator charges a battery pack or powers a vehicle function while charging the battery. If your machine is running, your battery is charging.

Before suggesting a particular generator or design, we take into account your unique vehicle needs and the needs of your end user. Sometimes, a generator can be charged with shore power. In other cases, it may need to be fully independent. Or perhaps your machine has significant power needs that can be mitigated by running a generator.

Whatever the case, our experts have you covered.

Reliable power

Idle reduction

Engine mounted

Powering The Next Job

Cross mobile work vehicle generators are designed and configured to meet your needs. That includes containment, environmental resistance, and power supply. The flexibility and convenience of truck mounted generators are perfectly suited to meet the power needs of industrial vehicles.

This is why more and more commercial fleets and mobile vehicle manufacturers are opting for onboard generators. Utilizing clean, reliable power in your work truck sets it apart from many competitors. Which can be the edge many manufacturers need in a competitive market.

As the push for sustainable, low-emission vehicles increases, the industrial world won’t remain immune forever. Making these switches towards hybrid vehicles or full electrification is what is setting many OEMs and other manufacturers apart.

With the help of our Mobile Systems Integration group, we can ensure you have the right generator to power your next job. No matter what your unique needs are.

Electric Generators for Mobile Machines 1

Frequently Asked Questions

Cross generators for mobile work vehicles are portable in the sense that if they vehicle moves, they do too. However, they are not towable generators. We provide engine mounted generators or coupled generators directly attached to the flywheel of the engine. Wherever your engine goes, there will be power generated. Without the need to tow it behind your vehicle.

Other than having clean, reliable power wherever your vehicle is, engine mounted generators can be used to run functions such as lights, drills, pumps, welders, and many other functions that were previously reserved for the internal combustion engine alone. They may also allow for some of the pressure to be taken off the main engine (which is particularly useful in mobile machines with very high power requirements).

A variety of industrial applications involving mobile machinery are extremely well-suited for onboard generators. Some examples include generators for construction, work truck generators, municipal vehicle generators, generators for utility trucks, and many others.

The Vehicle Generator Company You Need

At Cross, we offer much more than just top-quality mobile machine parts. We provide the experience and expertise our OEM and other equipment manufacturer partners need to succeed.

Cross company MTC

Why Cross Hybrid Vehicle Generators?

Contact a Cross MSI expert to discuss your machine requirements, end user needs, and which engine mounted generator might be the best for your application.

Our experts can work with your team to develop a complete mobile solution to ensure that you have the right equipment, working together, to improve your machine performance and productivity.

If your machine isn’t operating the way you need it to, we can help. A Cross mobile system generator expert will take a look at your mobile work vehicle and find the best solution for your production process and your bottom line.

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Did you know… Cross Company is an ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan). Our ESOP started in 1979 and as of 2006, we are 100% employee-owned! Learn more about our ESOP and how that benefits both team members and our customers.
Did you know... the precision measurement group at Cross was founded in 1939 by our current CEO's grandfather, Jim King. That's a whole lot of calibration!
Did you know... A fingerprint weighs about 50 micrograms. We know, we weighed it! The residue left from a finger can actually make a difference in weight results which is why we wear gloves when we calibrate weights. For reference, a sheet of paper is about 4.5 grams, that’s 4.5 million micrograms.
Did you know… Cross Company has grown significantly since our start in 1954. Over the years we've acquired 26 companies! Today, our five groups have expertise in everything from industrial automation to precision measurement, and industry knowledge going all the way back to 1939.