Underground Boring Hose & Fittings
Whether you use your underground boring tool for running fiber cable, electrical or plumbing then Cross Hose and Fittings can be your “missile hose partner”. When in the field digging under obstacles such as driveways or roads you need air compressor hoses, underground mining hose to missile hose tail pieces. We can get you up and running quickly because downtime costs you time and money.
You will find we can make customized hoses to suit your needs as well as quick connect couplings to oilers, and Chicago fittings. Repair of hoses is quick and easy whether you bring it to the closest Cross store or purchase a bandit repair tool for easy repairs in the field, we can help.
If you have been purchasing your mole/missile hose from your equipment’s original manufacturer you may be overpaying for these hose assemblies. We’ve found that our high-quality assemblies are significantly less expensive than the manufacturer’s replacement assemblies. The next time that you need to replace or repair your missile hose assemblies come see us at Cross Hose and Fittings. We have a team of hose experts ready to help you build the perfect assembly for your application.